Our tour of the art centers of Europe will start with Barcelona which will be, I think, a fabulous place to start our journey, a pilgrimage to the great art centers of Europe. I consider this a pilgrimage, which is a Way of cultivating an inner state of wonder and reverence as much as it is an outer Way. When I think of Barcelona, I become immersed in the most bohemian, the most relaxed, the most offbeat milieu which I can possibly conjure. And being surrounded by surreality takes one completely out of one's ordinary mind and plunges it into Wonderland.
Having never been to Barcelona, I am enjoying fantasizing about it from my home perch, and with great anticipation do I look forward to gauging Gwen's reaction when we land in this first city of Europe. For though we land by air in Madrid, I have decided to forgo the capital city to hop the train for this flavorful outpost in the northeastern section of Spain bordering on France. Even the language is offbeat: we will be in Catalan territory, among Catalonians. Gwen and I speak no Spanish, much less Catalan, so here we go!